Infinite Regress Collective Mixtape 2009
0 Comments Published by Matt on Monday, February 1, 2010 at 6:01 AM.

Yeah, that says 2009 up there, not 2010, which means I've been meaning to post this for a few weeks now. In any event...
Our man Tim over at Infinite Regress ran the 3rd annual Collective Mixtape project toward the end of 2009. In a nutshell he asks people to do covers of songs released that calendar year. I had done this in the past, and always look forward to the project as forced excuse to work on some music.
This year I chose to cover "You're so far around the bend" by Brooklyn favorites The National. The track appeared on the Dark was the Night compilation (regular readers know we are oh so fond of that album here at Stupidfresh.)
Without further ado have a listen to my version, which couldn't have been done without the wonders of Garage Band.
So Far Around the Bend (The National) - lippy
Treat your self to a trip over to Infinite Regress and take in the other submissions, which are all great for different reasons.
Our man Tim over at Infinite Regress ran the 3rd annual Collective Mixtape project toward the end of 2009. In a nutshell he asks people to do covers of songs released that calendar year. I had done this in the past, and always look forward to the project as forced excuse to work on some music.
This year I chose to cover "You're so far around the bend" by Brooklyn favorites The National. The track appeared on the Dark was the Night compilation (regular readers know we are oh so fond of that album here at Stupidfresh.)
Without further ado have a listen to my version, which couldn't have been done without the wonders of Garage Band.
So Far Around the Bend (The National) - lippy
Treat your self to a trip over to Infinite Regress and take in the other submissions, which are all great for different reasons.
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